IFER is an independent, private, research organization. The core activity of the company is to carry out projects from wide range of clients around the world. IFER is based in the Czech Republic close to Prague in small town of Jilove. Currently there are around 30 employees in the company.
It was in May 1994 established in May 1994. At that time the key projects were focused on forest health assessment and growing processes modelling. In this period IFER published Growing tables and growing models of main tree species of Czech Republic, that are used up to this day. IFER is a member of EFI (European Forest Institute) and it is also a member of EFI SAB. It cooperates with the European well-known scientific and academic institutions. The employees if IFER have already Publisher more than 100 publications, some of them were also among the basic documents for creating the National Forest Programme of the Czech Republic. And we must not forget the cooperation with the universities in the Czech Republic – such as University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice or Mendel University in Brno.
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